1. Taking Care of Civic Business, The Frey Foundation, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 1993 www.freyfdn.orgThis particular publication provides insight into how formal CEO-Level Business Leadership Groups have influenced Civic Progress in Key American Cities. One such group interviewed was the Civic Council of Greater Kansas City which has a 30 year history. Its membership is invitation only but does include county executives, mayors, chairs of chambers of commerce as Ex-officio members.
One of the key points made in the document is members of organizations first need to believe in what they and the organization are trying to do. They must have a clear understanding of what the organization is about and what their individual roles are in fulfilling the mission of the organization.
2. The New Landscape of Civic Business, The Frey Foundation, Grand Rapids Michigan, December 2011.
This report is an updated version of Taking Care of Civic Business and provides fresh insight into just what is working in business-led development organizations. It is being made available by the Frey Foundation in PDF form. You can download the 2.0 MB file by going to the Foundation’s website.
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